The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154026   Message #3611353
Posted By: Janie
20-Mar-14 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Breastfeeding In Public
Subject: RE: BS: Breastfeeding In Public
I guess I'm quite surprised this is still, on occasion, an issue. I was 42 when I had my kid, who is now a young man, and never encountered any problems or askance glances when I was breast feeding, lo! those many years ago.

Never made a public spectacle of it, never seemed to attract much attention. It is really very easy to breast feed an infant in a public space while remaining modest and/or respecting the reasonably modest sensibilities that one might anticipate other, perhaps more conservative, folks might have when breastfeeding in public. (not the same as surreptitious, btw.)

I understand that cultural norms vary. I don't know the circumstances that have resulted in the uproar to which Eliza refers and don't want to make assumptions. I suppose it is possible that some folks want to make a "statement" and may be rather exhibitionist about breast feeding. Also, in places much more diverse in terms of nationalities and immigrants than where I have lived, there may be some cultural differences of which an immigrant to more western puritan environs may be unaware.

Where I lived and where I went at that time, which is all I know about, there perhaps were and still are people who were/are outraged by a woman breastfeeding an infant in public under any circumstance, but I never had anyone comment or complain "to management" in a public place, and I don't think that is the norm in most places and venues I am likely to find myself.   

Dress appropriately for the occasion, I always say, and when breast feeding, wear a nice scarf for insurance. Takes just a little education to understand what to wear on the upper torso to make breast feeding in public a discreet enterprise.

I also would think that most folks in a public place would prefer to share space with a quiet, nursing child in the booth, on the bus, or at the table beside them than to a screaming, hungry infant.