The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3611394
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Mar-14 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Well, at least all the links that 'Guest' posted admit that homosexuals are a growing, or more prone to contract it.....problem is, 'Guest's' posts seem to convey that the BIGGEST reason for the transmission of HIV/AIDS is from a re-definition of 'homophobia'....WHEW!!, What a relief!..I was still thinking it was from promiscuous sex and people sharing dirty needles to get high....I guess we can now live as recklessly as possible, pickin' up chicks in bars, pubs and coffee houses, and get off in the head(restroom), and I'll never contract a thing was all a damn plot of those homophobia-maniacs!... THEY'RE the ones making people sick!!..You know, I certainly wouldn't want to piss off the crowd, who's been warning me about second hand smoke!! ...Oh wait a minute...those are the same ones who think that warning homosexuals, to get tested, is being mean to them and hurting their feelings and scaring them away from being screened....They don't seemed too concerned about those dirty needle shares, as much...maybe they think those guys are just self destructive any way....not like our promiscuous, fun-loving sociopath!..(either sex, BTW)....

Is it hypocrisy, or just selective ignorance??
....or do you find it entertaining to encourage people to be suicidal and proud of it??!!??

Well, that's what politics will do to ya'!