The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154026   Message #3611590
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
21-Mar-14 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Breastfeeding In Public
Subject: RE: BS: Breastfeeding In Public
We haven't yet touched on the issue of milk-formula companies having a vested interest in promoting bottle over the breast. I notice they've invented 'follow-up milk' now, as they know full well women understand the importance of breast milk for their babies. I imagine they'd be ever so delighted if women were ashamed to breastfeed in public and chose a bottle instead.
Sorry akenaton if I branded you as a doddery old thing. As I'm one, I tend to treat everyone else like that too. Many apologies! :)
I agree with major mudcat about naturism and nothing being shameful. The trouble is, cultural taboos prevent such a total commitment to nature. In Africa, legs are totally taboo. A lady can go around topless all day (and they often do) but if she wears a shortish skirt instead of the pagne (traditional wrap-around cloth, maxi length) people will jeer and spit on her. A kindly neighbour will run out with a spare pagne and wrap it round her for decency (so my husband tells me).
If I became a naturist, people would have terrible nightmares. My bottom alone would blot out the sun and be a danger to traffic.