The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153992   Message #3612766
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
25-Mar-14 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
Subject: RE: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
6 and a half hours later, I am still on line with a break for a reading lunch. This is absurd! However, it was mostly not FB. I investigated family history and found our book totally on line! and 1001 pots, a major pottery event in the Laurentians, and Fusion, the Ontario Assoc of clay and glass artists and a few other things. Each was time-consuming and edifying, as in "Not that", "maybe this", "emailed about that", bookmarked this and this and... Still time to make pots today if I get to it. I do not feel it was time wasted. I also searched for some templates - for business cards and family crest, to no avail. MAybe in the country.

Stilly, or anyone: Almost every small plant I purchased at home depot recently has died. With plenty of water, the leaves dried out and fell off - one primrose out of three has survived and one foliage begonia out of three is still OK. The campanula has also succumbed - after furry critter ate all the blossoms but not the leaves. The two tropical foliage plants, purchased about a month earlier, with more leathery leaves are doing just fine. I was blaming it all on furry critter and certainly they have been partly eaten, esp the flowers, but for the leaves to dry from the tips inward??

Emails are gone, but a couple responses needed - later!

Now, try again to get upstairs!