The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154078   Message #3612956
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
26-Mar-14 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dencia (singer) race traitor?
Subject: RE: BS: Dencia (singer) race traitor?
My heart ached for poor Michael Jackson. He was a perfectly normal, attractive young African-American at first, but he felt the need to alter his face so much it became monstrous. And my husband told me this morning that you often see women in Ivory Coast with huge patches of skin disorders on their faces, arms and shoulders; yellow, white, black, even grey, powdery or weeping, as a result of the strong 'whitening' stuff they plaster on. I've heard that beautiful Asian women pay for an operation to make their eyes 'round' and not almond-shaped. It's all perfectly sick, and all just to be 'acceptable' - in the eyes of whom, may I ask?