The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28713   Message #361344
Posted By: Jim Krause
21-Dec-00 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: Power and Performing
Subject: RE: Power and Performing
Yes, I know what you're talking about. And no, the feelings don't wear off, and the honeymoon doesn't end. But there does tend to be a bit of boredom with travelling along the Interstate highway system. Take along some books on tape, 'cause you can't always find folk music on the FM side.

You are also describing the feeling I get when I fiddle for contradances. There is nothing quite like the energy loop between dancers and band, and band back to dancers. And it all feels so simply done; a matter of technique it seems. All the band has to do is work the dynamics a little, softer here, building to a crescendo there, the rhythm section dropping out for awhile, letting the whole tune be carried by the fiddle and banjo alone, then coming back in at the right moment. Oh, there's magic there, all right.

Sorcha: No, in all honesty it isn't about ME. It is indeed about putting the music, the message accross, even if it's only "C'mon let's dance!"

I honestly think that there are some things we got right back in the '60s. We were right about Civil Rights, we were right about The War, and we were right that music and art can change the world, because music and are are the things that touch people's souls the way no speech, or sermon, or closely reasoned essay ever can. The letdown came when we realized we'd failed because we expected change by next Tuesday. That is what music is capable of. And we have our opportunities when that performance magic happens. True confessions: My biggest fantasy is to be singing somewhere, when after the show, a couple comes back stage and says to me, "You know, we were just about ready to hang it up and head for the divorce court. Then you sang that song, and we realized we had something worth hanging onto." If that ever happens, I will feel like I have done my part for World Peace.