The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154170   Message #3614780
Posted By: Stu
03-Apr-14 - 06:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shh.. Don't let them hear you..
Subject: RE: BS: Shh.. Don't let them hear you..
"Their dedication and their integrity is certainly admirable and inspiring."

Joe, I have the greatest respect for you as a person of integrity and someone with a deep and sophisticated faith, but I have to take issue with this line. Note this is not an ad hominem attack, I just need to make this point about integrity.

In the creationist threads my fellow scientists have been constantly misrepresented, dismissed and been outright lied about. I know many people (palaeontologists in my case) who act in the best interests of us all, who are fervent believers in the democratisation of knowledge and work to the highest possible standards. Many are religious themselves, many are not. However they all have one thing inn common: integrity. They are motivated by the search for truth, no more or less than any religious advocate.

The creationist advocates on this site have not acted with integrity, choosing instead to obscfucate, evade and deceive. To me, these people are teachers who should be engaged with, not to simply name-call them constantly but to try to discuss the points they raise, but in the end it's like herding cats and becomes tiresome.

There is no real honesty, let alone integrity displayed by these people. They lack any desire for truth and question nothing, they are simply following a rulebook to the letter. They lack understanding and their opinions are lacking nuance; their arguments rely on false witness.

I can't see much to admire there.