The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153992   Message #3615350
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Apr-14 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
Subject: RE: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
Lovely day today! I've already been over to the annual glass sale on campus and back home again. Now some time in the garden before heading out to dinner with a friend.

At the glass sale they have lots of newspapers and boxes for packing up what people buy. I need to remember next year that I should donate a bunch of my extra boxes to the cause.

I just emailed an answer in to my local NPR radio call in program "Anything You Ever Wanted to Know" that plays on Fridays at noon. People call in with questions and other people call in with the answers. Mine was kind of a late entry, but it just got read over the air as the last answer. I'm a regular caller but figured the phone lines would all be full, so sent an email with a drawing instead. I concluded with an affirmation that I liked his answer about mothballs - I've written in a couple of times a year for several years to remind them that there is no pest problem that is best solved by mothballs. He now regularly says that himself - and he noted that it's nice to have a good note to start the weekend. :)

Puttering and then out to dinner. I hope everyone has a pleasant day. This is a day to spend for me, it's my mom's birthday, she'd be in her 90s now. My great aunt was 94 when she died, and her mother died at 104. Those two were in my father's family, but they offer a goal to aim for - a healthy and mentally clear old age. If my mother hadn't been a heavy smoker most of her life she might still be with us and I know she would have enjoyed watching my kids grow and become interesting young adults, and seeing me work on all of my interests.