The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154160   Message #3615728
Posted By: Janie
05-Apr-14 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Black Belt Obstreperous Prick Club
Subject: RE: BS: Black Belt Obstreperous Prick Club
Dave, you were addressing Mick and I surely ain't Mick, but hope you don't mind if I chime in. In the example you offered, it seems to me you are asking that apples be compared to oranges. And maybe avocados as I am not entirely certain what "twat" refers to in the UK.

Fyi,in the USA twat is generally used as a dehumanizing, objectifying term -it derogatorily refers to a woman's vagina. While I have my limits I don't get too hung up about folks being entirely PC in the language they use, I simply note what it continues to reflect in our unconscious culture that always includes biases. Just noting that any term employed and applied to insult another person also is likely to reflect an unconscious bias about whole classes of people.

Re your question, I would disagree with both of and not uphold either viewpoint, but it would still be about addressing apples and oranges. I strongly disagree with the the particular beliefs of person A. I also strongly disagree with the belief of person B that because some one holds some beliefs to which I strongly object that I am qualified to pass judgement on the human value of that person or to assume that those beliefs sum up the entire person.

Think about the difference between "that is a foolish idea" and "You are a fool."