The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154160   Message #3615946
Posted By: Musket
06-Apr-14 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Black Belt Obstreperous Prick Club
Subject: RE: BS: Black Belt Obstreperous Prick Club
I'll happily oppress solicitors ....   Remember that Simpsons where a solicitor says, horrified, can you imagine a world without solicitors? Homer then has a thought bubble of people laughing, skipping, picking flowers and being nice to each other.

Capitalist twat I am then eh? ;-)

I'll let you into a secret Troubador, I don't like my method of posting either. I feel dirty just thinking about bigots. But they aren't going to keep their odious views to themselves whilst fools defend their right to inflict their odious hate on an unsuspecting decent public.

No surrender. My credibility and wanting to be liked takes second place I'm afraid.

By the way Bridge. Can you have a go at that nasty multinational conglomerate Apple on my behalf? When you type censure, the fucking iPad turns it into censor. If I read what I type, I'd be as daft as you...