The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154164   Message #3616174
Posted By: GUEST,Pete from seven stars link
06-Apr-14 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mungo Man Holdover From Closed Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Mungo Man Holdover From Closed Thread
Granted, shimrod, that my scientific understanding is pretty limited, but what I do understand, and you appear to deny, is that origins science and operational science, which is the science that seeks cures, designs machines or sends craft into space etc are not exactly the same thing. The latter, I believe is able to establish facts pretty securely because it operates by the scientific method ie observable,testable,repeatable experiments.   The fact that historical science has disagreements and often large variations of age interpretations only goes to demonstrate the difference.                         Now,I make no apology for trusting the bible record, anymore than you do for believing deep time and godless origin of everything. As I often say, that is also a faith position. However, though I am a biblical creationist, this song only goes as far as demonstrating that no matter how precise dating machinery is ,the evolutionary interpretations of the data are far from as clear cut as Darwinists would like joe public to believe.                      You might also like to consider....or maybe not.....that if science as espoused by deep time proponents can rest easy with unexplained conundrums ,that principle, ought to apply equally to scientists of creation persuasion also!                                              How much more to me!    But thank you for restraining your scorn, and thus facilitate useful discussion.