The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37563   Message #3617108
Posted By: GUEST
09-Apr-14 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly
Texting Suga Santa

Sit on my lap, said Santa. Wat u want 4 Xmas? (Some1 who wants me just for me)
U r ez on the eyes (danglin' his bait) U been good? Bet u r

O i c. Droolin' benjamins 4 me. Don't want no sparkly things.
Need 2 make rent, pay my cell. Help a grl out?

Well now, we'll c wat we can do. The camera likes u in them fuk-me pumps. Got kids?
(got deep pockets? No, they got they own daddy - wouldn't want you 'round my kids neways)

Well, gtg (Maybe Macy's Santee got deep pockets)... Next.