The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28852   Message #361720
Posted By: Jim the Bart
22-Dec-00 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: The Mudcat Christmas Party 2000
Subject: RE: The Mudcat Christmas Party 2000
Sitting on a small bench near the fire is a big man with a round face and quick eyes, that seem to take in all the various activities around the room at once. He only stopped in for a quick toddy but the liveliness of the company makes him loathe to leave. He knows that they will be looking for him at home.

He enjoys observing the clear affection that this odd mix of people has for each other. He remembers past years and other taverns where similar groups of friends came together to share a laugh and a song. He knows too well that these moments are fleeting and must be cherished; the tides of life have a way of breaking this sort of gathering apart. He lifts his glass once and toasts to those friends he remembers from Christmases long past.

He moves to the bar (both to refill his glass and to begin the movement that will eventually lead him home) and joins a conversation about the recent election. When the rhetoric begins to grow heated, he proposes a toast to the new president, and to all of our leaders, hoping that they find the wisdom to govern well. Another round is bought and they toast each other, agreeing to respectfully disagree and continue the dialogue in the new year.

But it is growing late, and as grim as the prospect of facing the cold biting winds outside, it is time to head for home and family. His sister and her brood will be arriving shortly from Toronto. His brother (whose wife will be delivering their first child at any time) and three other sisters and their families will gather to share another Christmas dinner at their parent's home. The thought of the merriment ahead(and the effect of the toasting) brings a twinkle to his eye and braces him for the journey ahead. It makes leaving bearable.

Before he goes he shakes some hands and buys a round for the house. He leaves some coins to pay for any poor man who may need the help later. He toasts once more to the health of all who frequent this place and wishes all of them well.

"May you find health and happiness, wherever you are during this blessed season and whatever you choose to do in the coming year."

Merry Christmas. Happy Hannukah. Glorious Kwanzaa. Holy Ramadan. Blessed Tet. Peaceful Solstice. Fabulous Festivus.