The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154244   Message #3617282
Posted By: Stu
10-Apr-14 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to overcome *ism...
Subject: RE: BS: How to overcome *ism...
I realise the last couple of lines were phrased a tad clumsily, as I didn't mean to single out a section of the Scottish population.

What I meant was that with the rise of nationalism in Scotland and England (in the forms of the SNP and UKIP) there seems to be a burgeoning tendency for people to distance themselves from certain stereotypes, in these cases based upon nationality and race.

So despite the fact we are a glorious mix of all nationalities on both a genetic level as individuals and culturally as a people we are moving less towards integration and more towards separation. Firstly from other people from across the world who come looking for a better life, from our fellow europeans and now from each other as the union fractures.

How this ends is anybody's guess, but my personal opinion is it won't end well for ordinary folk; it's easier to rule and manipulate a divided people. The rise of nationalism is a result of the helplessness felt by people who feel let down by government and excluded from any decision making by the establishment and the corporate interests our politicians seek to serve. This feeling is felt across the whole of the UK outside the south-east. The fact that such odious slime balls as Farage and others can make political capital from this discontent by appealing to our tribalistic urges (as Bill mentioned), further driving wedges between ordinary folk the island over is damning in itself.