The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154244   Message #3618312
Posted By: Musket
13-Apr-14 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to overcome *ism...
Subject: RE: BS: How to overcome *ism...
Excellent Keith.

"I only call etc etc"

Your track record makes that about the most brazen terminological inexactitude you have come out with yet!

Funny, you call me a liar yet I have never told a single one. You call Jim a liar when he states an opinion and it is perfectly clear that he has done just that, stated an opinion. You quote the opinions of a few hand picked historians, usually out of context and call anyone a liar who disagrees with them, usually scoffing that anyone could disagree with three experts.

Who miraculously happen to say something that feeds your prejudice.

Fascinating, really fascinating.

You and Goofus should start a debating circle. You could have your pet worm sat in the audience having orgasms whilst delighting himself listening to your erudite wit.