The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154244   Message #3618566
Posted By: Steve Shaw
14-Apr-14 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: How to overcome *ism...
Subject: RE: BS: How to overcome *ism...
Well, Keith, you quote Big Mick's somewhat ironic, uncomplimentary and red mist-induced rant in support of your claim that he shares your opinion that I'm "the worst offender" (even though I don't use *that* word, the supposed source of offence). Well here it is again:

"And by the way, you post nasty, belittling shit in an arrogant manner, then you whine about being stalked. No one is stalking you, they are responding to your obnoxious attitude. My guess is you lose friends in the 3D world due to that attitude. Buck up lad, put your big boy pants on and quit whining. Either that or spend some time in reflection on why you are received poorly by decent folks trying to engage in constructive discourse"

So, Keith,(he asks with puzzled expression and knitted brow), where exactly is the bit that says I'm "the worst offender"? Not there, is it? Keith, this is what you do all the time. You finesse the evidence to fit your preconceptions, then you dig yourself hopelessly in. Some would call it lying.