The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21858   Message #361873
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-Dec-00 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat HTML Guide PermaThread
Subject: Blue Clickys Within Mudcat
If you put blue click in the "filter" box and set the age to three years, you'll find all sorts of weird stuff. Well, I thought I'd add a little to the confusion. As you all have been well-taught by now, a blue clicky this is made this way [Joe, paste in boilerplate instructions here]:

<a href="">Click here</a>

<a href="">Click to e-mail</a>

If you're posting links at Mudcat, the quotation marks are optional. I prefer not to use them, because they complicate the task of making links. Simple is better, I think. Fewer misteaks.

OK, so now I want to add a little thing to complicate matters. As you know, we've had some problem accessing Mudcat at the regular address lately, and have had to get here by loki and ragtime and shorty and other addresses. Therefore, somebody might end up posting a link to or something like that - and then Ragtime might go away, or Max might rename her. So, I'd like to suggest that whey you post liks to locations that are within Mudcat, you leave off the part. As long as you'r linking from Mudcat to Mudcat, it works. So, if you're linking to the FAQ, your link would look like this:

<a href="/thread.cfm?threadid=19340">Click here</a>

Make sense?

-Joe Offer-