The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154244   Message #3618826
Posted By: Steve Shaw
14-Apr-14 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to overcome *ism...
Subject: RE: BS: How to overcome *ism...
I'm rather fond of Norwich, as I have all Delia's cookery books and regard her as something of a Messiah-ess. Indeed, I shall be doing her pork chops in cream and mushrooms this very weekend. I wish Norwich all the best, though the Liverpool game is one I wouldn't really be wanting them to win. Let's hope it's a good 'un!

By the way, Keith, keep trying, but, if you can manage it, simultaneously piss off.

By the way, Snail, I have always regarded "twat" as a term of endearment. Sorry you never saw it that way. It's bit like those shackledraggers - oops, Aussies - who affectionately greet their mates with "hey, g'day, long time no see, you old bastard!" If you really regard "twat" as being in the same league as the f-word (okay, fuck) or the c-word (okay, cunt), then you really need to get out more. Or come out of your shell. And congratulations for being the first person in tens of thousands of my internet posts to get me to type those two words, though you'll note I only did it Guardian-style, a paper which, to its eternal credit, refuses to print such stupidities as "f*ck" or "c*nt". That said, you won't see me typing them ever again. Now if you really don't like bad language, I suggest you turn your attentions to Wacko, lest I conclude that any enemy of your enemy must be your friend. Respectfully yours.