The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154244   Message #3618924
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
15-Apr-14 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: How to overcome *ism...
Subject: RE: BS: How to overcome *ism...
Steve, I see Delia quite a bit around Norwich. She goes to Mass in St John's, where I too sometimes attend, in an ecumenical way.
I've always liked the Reds, and I'm secretly glad that they're right up there once more!
'Followers of football are all morons.' That's quite a sweeping 'ism' Richard. I'm quite prepared to class myself as a moron compared to some very erudite folk I know, but not solely because I enjoy football.
Stereotyping is a trap we can all fall into. God forgive me, I feel very 'ismist' about Romanians and other E Europeans pouring into the UK, a kind of wicked Nationalism. But God has recently put me right and thoroughly smacked my bottom. We came across a poor chap making a sculpture of a dog out of sand in the centre of Norwich. I was fascinated and spoke to him. It turned out he was Romanian, and he stood there in a cold wind with hunger and despair in his eyes. I felt tremendous pity and respect for him, and handed him a tenner (which had been meant to get us some lunch!) This was guilt-money for my prejudice 'ism', and I will sincerely try to get these ideas out of my head in future. One has to be on one's guard against nastiness like mine.