The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154345   Message #3620925
Posted By: Joe Offer
21-Apr-14 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Eliza says: In my view (not worth a lot I realise) bitter and frenzied argument can take place, and be stimulating and interesting, IF people hold tightly to an underlying civility and goodwill, agree to differ, 'shake hands' and be friendly in spite of their opposing standpoints. That, by the way Joe, is a traditional British way of behaving, even if somewhat diluted nowadays.

And Musket, not to be undone, says (21 Apr 14 - 04:43 AM): No, sorry Eliza. On this one, niceties don't work. Both our countries have a proud past of confronting bigotry and slowly but surely killing sections of it off. We have people on this website who are free to propagate hatred towards others, question the right of some people to exist and then call those who question them the fascists.

Eliza, I like your approach far better - and in the long run, I think it's far more effective.
