The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61225   Message #3622239
Posted By: marcusjames
25-Apr-14 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Becket Whitehead, Delph, Saddleworth, UK
Subject: RE: Becket Whitehead, Delph, Saddleworth, UK
Whilst I've got your attention, I'm looking for a tune.

There is an Ammon Wrigley song called "Th' Delph Coronation Do" and it says that it is sung to the tune of "Laddie Rocks"

Have you heard of it at all?

The meter of the lyrics is thus:-

Neaw, o' yoh folk o'er th' Hunter's Hill,
Fro' th' Grenfilt road, un th' Uppermill,
Just try un keep yoh'r clappers still,
Aw've summat here to tell yoh :
It's about a do ther's beawn to be,
Where everything yoh want is free ;
A better place ther' connut be,
Nor th' Delph ut coronation.

The chorus goes:

Ri titty folaro, laddie O,
Ri titty folaro, dido.

I've created a Tune Req thread, but little joy.

I've found that the verses can be sung to the tune of Gallant Poacher, but really would love to find the real one, chorus un o'

Perhaps I'll have more luck when I go back to the museum.