The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154164   Message #3622894
Posted By: Stu
29-Apr-14 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mungo Man Holdover From Closed Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Mungo Man Holdover From Closed Thread
"congratulations, stu, for getting to the point where you feel that you can pronounce authoritatively on origins science having worked up from humble beginnings."

Nice. I'm not bragging, and I don't need congrats from creationists, all I'm trying to point out is anyone can do anything if they put the effort in, no matter what others think. I don't speak from authority at all (and would never presume to), but I know more than you do on this particular subject.

"gould was an expert and he said that "the lack of transitional fossils remains the trade secret of palaeontology"

As has already been mentioned, you are misrepresenting Gould. Have you ever actually read any of his books? You do realise this is tantamount to lying? You are bearing false witness?

"fudduci is a bird expert and he don't give no credence to the dino connection."

Alan Feduccia is an ornithologist and not a palaeontologist or evolutionary biologist and has become increasingly isolated due to his refusal to actually engage with the evidence. In reality he's become irrelevant, which in some ways is not great as he is an accomplished scientist but is sticking to an idea he can't, for whatever reason, abandon. Of course he might be right, but current evidence is so robust about the origin of birds it would take a lot of new fossils and new molecular evidence to alter the present hypothesis, and I can't see that happening.