The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154472   Message #3624692
Posted By: Mike Regenstreif
07-May-14 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: Folk Roots/Folk Branches radio program-Regenstreif
Subject: Folk Roots/Folk Branches radio program
Some of you may remember the weekly Folk Roots/Folk Branches radio program that I hosted on CKUT in Montreal from 1994 to 2007 (and available online for most of that time).

Back in January, the show was reborn as part of the online radio service launched by Roots Music Canada. It's a 1-hour thematic show with each episode following a unique theme.

Initially, the show played at scheduled times each day with a new show debuting every week. After some technical problems, the schedule was dropped and now the new shows are available on demand for listening on your computer or mobile device at any time. And they stay available.

So far, there are three shows you can listen to at these links.

Remembering Jesse Winchester

Celebrating Spring

Old Friends and Memories

You can also always find the playlists and links to listen on the Folk Roots/Folk Branches blog.

Hope you enjoy the shows. I'll add links to new shows as they become available.