The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153992   Message #3624789
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
07-May-14 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
Subject: RE: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
When I say "for things to go", I mean LOTS of things to go, PILES of things, boxes of things, objects large and small that have accumulated from yard sales and auctions and that R has finally realized he has WAY too much of! Not the box of recent novels that I took to the Little Green Library yesterday. That is the tiny tip of the iceberg. We need a large accessible area where we can each place those things, great and small - that R can bear to part with- accessible for possible yard sale.

Being mindful, of course, of this: Tom kept the tailgate from our red pick up truck for years after it fell off the second time I backed into something. Finally, he put it out in the trash. A week later, Jerry called and said, I could really use that.... Oh well! Does that mean we must never get rid of anything???

Well, I am moving forward with dishes, emails, bills and laundry caught up here. Some chores needs doing in the country - Friday for that as I forgot to fill the water bottles. We will soon be able to use the hose again - when R connects it but the water must not be used for glazes; clayart folks note the importance of water in glazes and orange water could be a serious problem. The washing machine is operative but the designated clothes line place is not a good one so needs to be moved. Maybe Sunday. A large machine, I shall use it for quilts when/if the season ends!

Yesterday, I got down there in time to have lunch, load the kiln (bisque) and trim and put handles on 12 mugs - finally! Need to get down early enough on Friday to glaze and fire before Market on Saturday. Writers' group was good, then drove back to city. R came in about 1:30 am. (3 am on monday night!)

Was not able to dance Monday; brain was not working well enough to get feet in right places. After three dances, I came home and took hot bath and went to bed. I could have been too toxin loaded before I got there or the over powering fragrance of one person might have put me over the edge. The mask was no help in this instance. I have instituted a policy where I only pay my $5 after I have been able to participate in at least 4 dances or half an hour. The organizer refuses to put the fragrance problem in an email and the season is almost over. If I am still able to dance in September, I shall do an email myself.

The apt is coming along. We need to consider logistics of air cleaner in place for a while, after it is ready but before we try to live there.

May have the energy to throw some pots after the news, she says hopefully.