The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153992   Message #3627259
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
19-May-14 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
Subject: RE: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
Oh dear, SRS! The vehicle recently acquired!!

Seems there is much to do and I am spending much less time on computer. Wended my way from city to country on Friday with stops for good bread, three separate stops for small perennials, drive past a house for sale - in the middle of a swamp, again!, stopped by greenhouse full of neat plants but no one was there, and finally arrived at mill where I unloaded stuff from city for storage and the frig contents and plants, and pots which were still there from weekend. Then lunch and organizing until time to go to cafe for GREAT music.

Sat: nice pancake breakfast with last of maple syrup. We considered the Ormstown yard sale weekend but thought the rain on Friday might continue. Then an email from Ad, "We have to go to Adrien's!" The whole day... We acquired a hoosier kitchen cupboard - which I have wanted for 50 years and a thingy for making CDs from LPs which I have wanted for 5 years, a nice park bench, a very good bike, a large aquarium for a friend whose very large turtles will now enjoy more space, and some small useful or decorative items.

Barely time for a light supper and back to town for another marvellous music event. Then bed in exhaustion... after a visit from the provincial police. R insisted on driving his truck so he could pick up the large items - never mind that it was late and people might not appreciate it. But he could not remember where they were and drove around both before and after the concert looking for them! By the time he was driving back to the mill, he was too tired and someone reported a "drunk driver", and the destination. As I was getting a snack ready, I saw a vehicle pull in and went to the door to welcome two female officers who, after ascertaining he clearly had not been drinking, firmly suggested he not drive when tired. I hope he was suitably impressed. This means the local detachment will have an eye out for him.

We went out on Sunday and found the items, stopped by the auction where we bumped into a good friend so we three went to lunch and had a nice visit before we came back to the mill and unloaded what stays here - the cupboard for the house we do not have (I said pointedly). R spent time researching it with great interest.

Today, R went back to the city and I planted perennials, finished my app for citizenship - took all afternoon, finished current novel, printed out new cards, and notices for our open reading (writers' group), dealt with emails and now - bed!