The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153992   Message #3628312
Posted By: Bat Goddess
26-May-14 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
Subject: RE: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
I did a 4-day/40-hr. week back in the early '80s. Saved me a commute a week (60 or more miles) and gave me a three day weekend. I loved it. There were times it would have worked less into my schedule, but at the time it was perfect.

I goofed off on Saturday, and really didn't do a lot yesterday except watch the extended version of "Buckaroo Bonzai"...needed the R&R.

But I did get a pocket watch sold and also a repro medieval sword. (A friend had just brought it back -- he thought one of his RenFaire friends might want it, but they needed a theatrical sword, not one that could actually hurt someone.)

Whatever ate last year's ladyslippers came back for a few bites -- I found six flowers missing yesterday despite the feline spoor around. (Well, it's been raining at some point during every day for the past few days.) So I sprayed hot pepper water on the survivors. That should surprise whoever's been nibbling. Suppose I have to do it again today since it rained again last night, too.

Mostly today I've been concentrating on the boxes in front of the hutch so I can clean out that section of the hutch...eventually. I'm putting all the stuff for sale in bankers boxes and stacking them...elsewhere for the time being. I feel as if everything in the house is in transition. Maybe it is...

Interspersed with that is filling the planters on the deck with freshly mixed potting soil. And raking leaves into piles. (It's a little too windy to pile them onto a tarp and dump them downhill.) I've still got to dig up some of the perennial euphorbia to take to a friend on Wednesday. And I've got a neighbor coming to help me cut down some limbs and open up the back flower beds to some more light (they used to be full sun and are now full shade) and get rid of all the small (smaller than 6" diameter) stuff out back on the slope and maybe a couple larger trees like the one at the downhill corner of the house. That's the "enabler"...the means for the flying squirrels get into the house.

Oh, and I took some stuff out of the freezer and put some stuff into the freezer... And made a bread pudding for breakfast for most of this week. (Tomorrow morning on my way over to work on the T-shirt quilt, I'll stop at the walk-in and get my fasting blood work done. One more thing checked off the list and it will make my doctor happy.)
