The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111013   Message #3630246
Posted By: GUEST,Glenda (the way my Mom sang it)
04-Jun-14 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Too Much of a Name / Longest Name Song
Subject: RE: Origins: Too Much of a Name (long list of names)
To much of a name is a very sad thing, you'll think the very same when you hear what I have to say. My Mother & father were excellent folks but they both had a weekness for practical jokes. So when I was born they were both of one mind & said I could have all the names they could find.
Oh, Jonathan, Josepjh, Jerry, Myer, Timothy, Titus, Obedier,William, Henry, Walter, Simms, Rueben, Rufus, & Solimon, Jim, Nathaniel, Daniel, Abraham, Roderick, Fredrick, Peter, Sam, Simon, Timon,, Nicholas, Pat, Christopher, Dick, Johausefat.
When I went to gets married the case was as bad, the parson stared at me as if I were mad. Said he my dear sir it's a terrible shame your parents denied you a sensible name so through this sad story without reason or rhyme you'll have to get married a bit at a time.
Oh, repeat names.