The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39887   Message #3630308
Posted By: Bill D
04-Jun-14 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: Jokes in worst possible taste
Subject: RE: Jokes in worst possible taste
An old TV show used to have a routine where they just tossed off punchlines to jokes they couldn't possibly tell 'live'. Most of us watching knew most of the jokes.

"Thursday's your day in the barrel"

"The whole shovelful, Miss Kitty?"

"Nothing queer about Carruthers"

"You ought to see him make donuts!"

"Don't you want to open the beer?"

"Now aren't you sorry you had me neutered?" (not sure this would fly on can almost re-write the joke from the punchline.)

"Y'know, most of the guys just rides 'er into town." (borderline, even as punchline)

"How do you think I rang the doorbell?"

"Yeah, but this one's eating my popcorn!"

"I didn't say PIANIST" (also borderline)

"'It looked so good, I ate it myself'."

... have at it...but be tastefully offensive!