The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28803   Message #363214
Posted By: GUEST,Frank Hamilton
25-Dec-00 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: playing traditional music correctly
Subject: RE: playing traditional music correctly
The spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law.

There is no real proper way to play Irish music. It's because it's Irish musics. The way they play in Kerry will be different than in Donegal.

Sligo style is different than Dublin style.

To study it, then play it the way you feel it is the best way to go. If you've lived with it a while and interalized the style, it'll come out right.

That being said, there is a contingent of hard-nosed academics that killed the folk music revival in the US by their pedantry. They missed the point. The feel is more important than the actual slavish carbon-copied notes. If you've assimilated the materials (ornaments, phrasing, chord progression, rhythmic interpretation) than you just play and it comes out right unless you run into these hard-nosed academics who pour cold water on anything that's innovative or creative.

Often their viewpoint is based on a bias because they don't have creativity in their way of expression.

I have found over the years that I must select the musicians that I play with. I avoid those with a 'tude or a rigid mindset who analyze music to death. I realize that there are many musicians out there who are capable of laying a trip on you, telling you that you are wrong and not being very constructive about the way they criticize others. Avoid these people like the plague. They will not help you, the music, or anyone else.

There are those in the CCE who are very helpful and instructive and relish sharing with you their knowledge about the fine Irish music and culture. Align yourself with them and forget the pedants.

Be selective for future enjoyment.

I know this sound kind of exhortative but I believe what I say from personal and painful experience.

Frank Hamilton