The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154726   Message #3632693
Posted By: Musket
13-Jun-14 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
Subject: RE: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
You see, this is the problem.

There may well be more arguments against than for, but when weird beards and people in ethnic skirts join the politicos and space cadets in shouting conspiracy, most people turn off.

Something that politicians are having to think about these days is that people are far more sophisticated than they used to be. Donkeys with red rosettes just aren't enough to get the votes and philosophies out. Ditto Col Blimp standing for the Tories. it just isn't that simple any more.

Start politicising it and you may as well piss in the wind. And you know, that would be sad. As an ex miner who then went into vibration for a living till first retirement, I have a few technical questions myself before I am won over by the reassurances of the fracking companies. But like many others, I am not going to be swayed by "all Tories are disingenuous bastards."