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Thread #154726   Message #3632745
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
13-Jun-14 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
Subject: RE: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
"Fuck this never ending circle of bullshit. The info is available on the internUt if you can be arsed to educate yourselves. Fracking kills. If it was just those uneducated that proffer silly arguments that would die from fracking, that would be fine with me on accounta they are part of the problem. That's it for me. I haven't the time for such tripe and lard."

And that's a pity, gnu. You're obviously very angry about this - but your anger is directed against the wrong targets and will achieve nothing. What's the point of 'shouting' at Musket - or me for that matter? Have you thought of using your anger and your, '2 months of research', constructively? For instance, have you thought of using those resources to protect your community? I don't know what you've done with your 2 months of research (feel free to enlighten me) but I would point out that it will be a wasted effort if you haven't (yet?) put it to good use; as the old cliche goes, "knowledge is power" - but power needs to be directed.

I have a friend who is incredibly bright and resourceful and the environmental 'bee-in-his-bonnet' is climate change. He certainly gets the message out there but he tends to alienate people by shouting at them. He's also a 'glass-half-full' sort of bloke (must control these cliches!)so any small victories are dismissed as trivial. He won't be happy until the whole city comes round to his way of thinking and drops everything in order to counter climate change - and even then he will dismiss half of the population as idiots who are doing it wrong.

I don't want to 'blow-my-own-trumpet' (Oh no! Not another one!)but the environmental 'bee-in-my-bonnet' (Nooooo!!!) is biodiversity loss. I decided to try and channel my anger at local losses and try to reverse them. And you know what? I seem to be succeeding! Much to my amazement people seem to be listening and real progress is being made. I'm more hopeful now than I've ever been. And through all of this, I have not shouted at a single person.