The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93305 Message #3632760
Posted By: GUEST,Eric
13-Jun-14 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: ADD: The Wanderer's Warning
Subject: RE: ADD: The Wanderer's Warning
It sounds like I have a similar story to many others. My dad sang it to me from an early age and I used to burst into tears. As I got more sisters and brothers he stopped but every now and again he would start to sing it and off I would go again. The last time was just before I went off to college at 18 - very embarassing. I was thinking about it as I fell asleep around 7 years ago and I thought I have to look this up on the net so I got up and started to search the first line. It took ages but I eventually found Arnold Keith Storm's album and it had some mp3 samples so I could check if it was the right song. Five minutes later my wife shouted down 'what are you doing up and why are you crying' - childhood memories are pretty firmly embedded eh!