The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154766   Message #3633868
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
17-Jun-14 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: Contents: Singing Together at
Subject: RE: Singing Together at
Thanks all.

I think this particular effort started because we had a shortage of songs to add to the folkinfo song database (the policy was to be able to provide a reference others could use to where we had got the song) and a number of Singing Together songs seemed like good candidates.

Of course, Singing Together had been discussed before here an at folkinfo and I had one small collection as one starter.

The way we went about led to the omissions from the books as we weren't really sure whether a number of the translations fitted in with the folk song database or not...

Perhaps on reflection, even though it would have meant duplication, I should have created an "abc project" for Singing Together. That way each pamphlet could have been a single abc text file that wouldn't have affected the main database.