The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108112   Message #3633987
Posted By: Airymouse
17-Jun-14 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: What did your Dad used to sing?
Subject: RE: What did your Dad used to sing?
Spanish Cavalier, Pope he leads a jolly life,Percy French's "Ye Ballade of Ivan P. S.,Some day I'm going to murder the bugler.
His old-time songs: Frog went courtin, Who did swallow Joanna down?, In a peapod once lived 5 little peas, Little brown jug,paper of pins,Can she bake a cherry pie?
What I was fondest of was his stories from Greenville Mississippi. Here's one and I'll try to indicate the accent, but I was born in NY, so just pretend Shelby Foote is telling the story. Warning. It's a bit sacrilegious, a word that he pronounced so that it almost rhymed with "egregious."
One day Jesus say da his 'ciples,'ciples, gather yo sel up a rock, cuz wez gon take a walk, in de will de ness. All dem 'ciples gather em sels up a medium size rock, 'cepin' Peter, cuz Peter he's a smart man, pow a ful smart. He gather em self up a great big rock. An dey walk an dey walk an dey walk in de will de ness. All dem 'ciples is pow a ful tired an pow a ful hon gry, specially Peter cuz hez ben totin des great big rock. An Jesus say to his 'ciples, "'ciples, wear es yo rock?" An all dem 'ciples bring fo'th dey rock, 'ceptin' Peter. He kina hang back. An Jesus say, "rock yo es bread,' an lo the rock ES bread.Then Jesus see Peter, and de light shone en his eyes and he say unto Peter, "Peter, yo is my rock. An up on des rock I gon buil' my church. An des rock gon be de foun DATION of my church. Des rock gon..." Peter say, "Lo' des rock gon be bread o nutin'"