The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154726   Message #3634488
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish 1
19-Jun-14 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
Subject: RE: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
"Don't you DARE try to quote Russell Means to me, you silly, self-important, delusional, ignorant bitch. Stick with what you actually know, which is basically fuck all, Liz."

Careful, Greg, your misogynistic side is showing, again....

I will damn well quote Russell Means whenever I so chose, and I did NOT 'quote' him at all in my earlier post, by the way, merely used his name and told you that Russell himself was in Facebook a LOT, because he understood the power that lies inside it.

If you don't like that, tough...but that gives you NO right to call me a 'bitch'. Thanks all the same, and I make NO apology for standing up to your nastiness, your stalking of me, your constant misogynistic drivel....

From Dave (yes another of my fanclub) "I didn't see you at Barton Moss, Lizzie. You must be a lot less noticeable in real life than you are in your comfy chair. Maybe you were keeping out of the way of the police while some of us were doing something real? Were you not at Balcombe either? No. I didn't think so. Too busy making stupid little Indian flags and posting how good you are."

No, Dave, you didn't, because to get either of those places from Devon costs a fortune, (I don't drive) which I do not have and because I am a Carer, caring for Nanny who is 100 years old this coming September....There's a photo of her on my FB page if you don't believe she exists....

HOWEVER, what you DID see, were you to have even looked, that is, is Vanessa carrying the Mohawk Warrior Unity Flag (there are MANY photos of it on the 'BIFF! Britain & Ireland Frack Free' page, above, scroll down and down and you'll find it in the photos section.....

That flag was mine, sent to me by John, over in Pennsylvania, who is part of the Idle No More movement and Mohawk himself...

The Idle No More movement (look it up) is watching every move being made over here on Fracking, as they are fighting like crazy to stop it over in the USA and Canada too...

HOWEVER, I did to 12 hours of coach travel in the same day to meet with Chief Raoni and Chief Megaron in London the other day, which is a direct trip for me, not involving many changes of transport or stays overnight....

I was the one who corrected the French to English translations for those at Planete Amazone, in their letters to Prince Charles, Albert of Monaco and King Harold of Norway, the Pope also, and Sting, (the latter two NOT meeting Raoni, but the first three doing so last week), because I sit here helping many people around the world to raise awareness of what's happening to our planet....

Raoni and Megaron came out from The Amazon Rainforest to fight for their People's survival, for the survival of us all, Dave...I help them in EVERY way possible, via my Support Chief Raoni page and in helping the team at Planete Amazone too, over in Paris, whom I also got to meet last week in London....

I don't give a feck what you folks throw at me in here, for I learned long ago to Rise Above and get on with doing what I do...

And Russell Means, would, like many other Native Americans, consider me to be an OK person, seeing that I loathe so much of what The Fecking White Man has done over the centuries, were he still alive to this day...

I've encouraged many folks to buy the last book he ever wrote 'If You've Forgotten The Names of The Clouds, You've Lost Your Way' am FB friends with the man who co-wrote that with Russell and I keep Russell's words of wisdom alive on Raoni's page, on my own page too, because I respect that man hugely....

So, may I politely suggest that you, Greg, stick your head where the sun don't shine and, if you truly CARE about Russell, that you too get a FB page, as he had, and share his words out to others, because by heck, we need Russell back in this world right now!

You can even order his book here, and yes, I've put the USA link in. Read it, for you sure have lost your way, if you ask me!

Oh, and for those interested, here is a petition against the Infrastructure Bill which will remove our Ancient Laws of Trespass and allow this evil, oligarchic government to sell of ANY public land they so choose and, of course, to frack under YOUR home without even telling you, should their pals in The Fracking Mafia, so desire to do so.