The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154726   Message #3634643
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
19-Jun-14 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
Subject: RE: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
I think we started mining when we knew no better and could not see, or did not care, that the resources that we remove from the earth are finite, Musket. We now live in a different world and generally speaking people are much more aware of the environmental impact of these actions. I believe there are documented issues with fracking, some quite serious, and while I fully understand we need power I believe that renewable resources should be the first priority.

What is more, it is as much the attitude of the fracking companies and the politicians supporting them, that is winning them no friends. Basically, bullying tactics and greasing palms seems to be the order of the day. My experience at Barton Moss was as much against the GMP as it was against fracking. The tactics of the police were seriously lacking in any moral fibre. It was a real eye opener to understand that I could have been arrested on the flimsiest of grounds and incarcerated for up to 2 days simply for protesting.

Sadly, whether fracking is a viable alternative or not, and I doubt it is, the powers supporting it have already alienated themselves to so many people that I can honestly see a peoples revolt if it progresses any further.

Just my 2p.
