The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154376   Message #3634793
Posted By: Teribus
20-Jun-14 - 02:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic radicalism . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic radicalism . . .
I do so like Christmas's little rants, he must spend entire days wound up to hi-doh blood, blood pressure through the roof, frothing at the mouth as he bangs away on his keyboard missing the keys he wants in his rush to inflict yet one more of his drivel filled messages on the community at large.

The following I found really funny:

1: "The 'information' was exactly the same as was claimed by those who went off to fight fascism in Spain - dangerous Bolsheviks who were receiving weapons training and experience in fighting and return to bring about bloody revolution in Britain - those returning were blacklisted and put under surveillance - no arrests, not bloody revolution."

The same ones that came back and fomented trouble in the workplace during the first eighteen months of the Second World War (It all stopped when Hitler attacked the USSR). Perhaps you missed the point that there were no arrests and no bloody revolution because they were blacklisted and because they were subject to surveillance.

2: "Ghettoisation"

That immigrants have done all by themselves through choice and that fact was what Enoch Powell referred to in his speech. He talked of uncontrolled immigration at such a rate that the immigrants get absolutely no opportunity to integrate and naturally set up communities that then make integration impossible. Examples of this in cities all over the UK.