The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154376   Message #3635297
Posted By: MGM·Lion
21-Jun-14 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic radicalism . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic radicalism . . .
Wowzer, Muskititz: was there ever such a milker of unhilarious jokes to death [apart from poor ole Jim qv a few post back] as pathetic-ole-U.

My medication! Wowie! -- well hahahahabloodybloodyha: just mind you don't do some grievous bodily wotzit to all those Mudcatters helplessly holding their sides ROTFLing till dangerously out of breath at that incomparable esprit of yours. My medication: well LoL·LoL·LoL to ∞∞ to be sure!...

The thing is that, just as the cooking sherry one ran aground on the fact that I haven't drunk any alcohol for a dozen or so years; so I took myself off the medication my docs kept prescribing a couple of years ago, & have felt incomparably better ever since. Quite healthy enuff to get the better of any facetious ohohoho's produced by the likes of any pathetic old Rustigun-face's desperate but exiguous essays at yoomah.
