The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154821   Message #3635834
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-Jun-14 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Subject: RE: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Several things. First, and let me make this clear, tailgating is stupid and dangerous.


Our roads are very crowded. Life can be fairly frenetic at times and there are people, rightly or wrongly, who need to get on, and fast. If you are driving at well below the speed limit for the road you're on, and the road is busy, you are in serious danger of being a twat. If there is a convoy of traffic behind you which had been behind you for a mile or more, and you are driving at less than the speed limit for that road, you are definitely a complete twat. Humanity is what it is, whether you like it or not. You are causing exactly the kind of frustration that could lead to a serious accident. It wouldn't be your fault, of course, humanity being what it is, but the naked fact is that the accident might well not have happened had you bloody well got out of the way. Wives may not have been widowed and children might not have been orphaned. Quite a thought, as you're sitting there doing 39 on a 60 road feeling all sanctimonious with a massive queue behind you. Pull over, fer chrissake, if you're a member of the Sunday velvet steering wheel club, and let us pass. Some of us can drive a bit faster than you, and yes, we left home two minutes later than we should have. But that's what being a human being is all about. Basically, eliminate your stress completely by getting out of the bloody way. Using your mirror once in a blue moon, and cutting the yap whilst driving, might help. Hope this helps.