The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154821   Message #3636110
Posted By: Rob Naylor
23-Jun-14 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Subject: RE: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Stu:I can see the attraction in having a stonking shiny great motor called "BigCock" or "AlphaMale" I'm sure they make people feel like they're floated to the top of the ladder *boilk*. But they shouldn't be off road on this country's greenways and lanes.

But around my neck of the woods they're usually driven by "yummy mummies" and used mainly for shopping or school runs. None of the ones down our street would ever go off-road. In fact, twice they've had my wing mirror off on the local semi-rural "rat run" because they're so afraid of roadside twigs and leaves damaging their paintwork that they don't pull over far enough for on-coming traffic.

I've had estate cars for over 25 years now. until about 6 years ago, my car would normally have been one of the larger ones on our street. Now it's almost the smallest. In fact is probably *is* the samllest "prime car of the family" since smaller ones seem to be second or 3rd vehicles in a family.

When I've asked neighbours why they need them, the answer is usually: "they're big, so safe for the kids, and the high driving position means I can see things better".