The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154821   Message #3636140
Posted By: Steve Shaw
23-Jun-14 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Subject: RE: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
I stopped tailgating people years ago. Far better to lurk a bit further back so that you can more easily see your chance to overtake. Oddly, I get tailgated meself very frequently when driving the missus's Mazda MX5 with the roof down (seriously, btw, everybody reading this, you need one of those - now...). Dunno what that's all about. I never get tailgated when driving me Ford Focus. I never hang about, always exceeding every speed limit known to man, so it can't be that. Jealousy, I suppose. The stupidest thing is when you're being tailgated when you're in a stream of slow-moving traffic and can't do anything about it. I pull over and let the silly sod pass, so that the poor bugger in front of me gets tailgated instead of me. It may not be Christian but it does soothe the savage breast.