The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154821   Message #3636346
Posted By: Richard Bridge
24-Jun-14 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Subject: RE: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Stu, you are an idiot. A driver should never "surge forwards regardless" - but idiotic wearers of goatshair socks often choose to try to obstruct drivers precisely where they will get stuck if they stop.

You plainly know nothing about the history of "green lanes". There are, historically, three levels of rights of way. Footway, Bridleway, and Cartway. It is total rubbish to assert that "green lanes" are for walkers - unless you are talking about footpaths, where there should be no pedal cycles, no horses, and no wheeled vehicles other than hand-propelled. Bridleways are open to pedal cyclists so long as they give way to horses (I bet most mountain bikers don't know that). Byways are and RUPPS should be (depending on your view of the law) open to all traffic.

Historically bridleways and vehicular rights of way (the designations "byway" and "RUPP" are relatively modern) were churned up morasses of three feet of mud, in which people could and did drown or suffocate, in the wet season.

And you want history to be re-written so you can mince around on a nice surface.

If you want to walk in solitary exclusion - USE A FOOTPATH. Otherwise share with other lawful users and offer mutual consideration.

Oh - and only an idiot leaves his sounds on when offroad - he needs to hear what the vehicle is doing, and what the ground and foliage are doing.

You really have no idea at all about off-road drivers, do you? ONLY farm tractors can make those two foot deep ruts. No domestic 4*4 known on earth can do that. Some of the exotica with portal axles might manage it, but they are as common as rockinghorse shit - a bit like sense from you.