The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154821   Message #3636761
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Jun-14 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Subject: RE: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Ah, I forgot about that recent law change concerning the middle lane. However, the point still stands in that anyone behind the 70mph-you in that middle lane who is hassling you is wanting to break another law, i.e., exceeding the speed limit. Are you doing anyone a favour by stopping him from doing so? I don't think so. And, despite the law, middle-lane hogs are abundant and universal and I've yet to hear of one being prosecuted.

This is always an issue that attracts its fair and hefty share of sanctimony. The thing is, you can always let someone pass. It won't be long before you can find somewhere to stop or pull in for a second. It won't bugger up your life so to do. So do it. The roads are crowded, slow drivers are a pain in the arse and they need to ditch their devilish control-freakery, use their mirrors a bit more, stop arguing with the kids in the back, leave the bloody dog at home and put the burger down on the dashboard. Driving is a gig unto itself. I'd ban for life anyone who cuts the corner on a right turn (sorry, yanks, not you).