The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154821   Message #3637283
Posted By: Richard Bridge
28-Jun-14 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Subject: RE: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Penny, did you not look in your mirror before overtaking, and did you not see a car coming up fast? I remember once long ago on the M2 (2 lane motorway) I was in the outside lane in a Daf 66 estate, fully loaded with a PA rig, and there was a queue of us waiting for one lorry to get past another: we all wanted to overtake both.

The faster truck cleared, and pulled in, leaving a small but slowly growing gap between itself and the slower truck. The cars ahead of me accelerated through, past both trucks, and I put my foot down and waited to gather way. A car appeared behind me, but I had started my overtaking manoeuvre and was already alongside the slow lorry. I finished overtaking both lorries and the plainclothes police car behind me put his flashing lights on, pulled me over, and tried to tell me that I should either have aborted the overtaking manoeuvre completely, or pulled in behind the faster lorry, to let him by.

I wasn't going to argue because if he'd taken me to a weighbridge I was probably well overloaded - but I thought then that he was wrong and I still do. Until he lit up, the fact that he was a plod was indiscernible. But if he was right you too should have let the faster car through.