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Thread #154892   Message #3638450
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Jul-14 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rolf Harris Found Guilty of 12 Offences
Subject: RE: BS: Rolf Harris Found Guilty of 12 Offences
Yes, patient, I stand corrected....I have used the term 'patient' in posts about this on my FB page and on the pages of others, but hang me for using the term 'inmate' if you so wish...

Yes, I know a LOT about mental health these days, far more than you may think, SC...I also know that some folks with severe mental health issues lie...some don't..but, some do..and for the newspapers to be now be trying to spread the idea that Rolf was akin to Savile, creeping around Broadmoor, on unsubstantiated facts, from a former PATIENT, in one of the top security psychiatric hospitals, beggars belief. But hey, they've have to sell their papers, right?

Oh..and also, on my FB page, you'll find me saying that I couldn't recall which gender he/she she/he had crossed over from/into, before I wrote the post above...

And NO, I do NOT have a problem with folks who are transvestites, or who've gone for the whole sex sway, thanks, before you push that on me too, in every effort to make me look as bad as ever...

And yes, I know ALL about PTSD and sexual abuse because I married a man who had the first, was asked to marry a man who also suffered from this and BOTH of them had had a terrible start in life...really terrible. They both lied too...and were the saddest, most unhappy men I've ever come across...Not everyone is fixable, trust me on that one.....

Well, Eliza, may I politely suggest that you perhaps stop adding fuel to the ever-increasing fire of insanity that has now broken out in the papers about Rolf, by suggesting/wondering if he sexually abused his daughter...As to The Mirror, they put the phone down on me after listening, but when I asked them to explain what RIGHT they felt to now preface Rolf's name with the word 'evil', based on a trial in which there was NO evidence and gaping holes of horror in the accusers stories...they THEN put the phone down on me....

Al, you insulted the Native Americans and made out my interest in them was sexual. It is not, nor has it EVER been in ANY way whatsoever...and that deeply upset and insulted me. It also insulted them. You then went on to talk about 'natives in loin cloths' etc...It's not funny, they have suffered hugely and are, at present, desperately trying to get 'The White Man' to respect them, their culture, their history...They're not there to be made fun of any longer, nor should they ever have been in times past either....

'Rolph' should have been 'Rolf' of course...Trauma left over from that dreadful 'George Rolph' bloke a year or so back.

Freudian slip? I'm not sure I understand what you mean, Dave...You know how thick I am, surely, so you'll have to explain a little more clearly....

If I've left anyone else out, please forgive me, I can only beat off so many vultures at one time....I'm off to recharge my light sabre now...

Oh..and if you could add the 'BBC link' which I was supposed to have read and copied, above, as 'Guest' suggested, I'd appreciate it, as I can't find it via Google at all.

Thank ye all....and sorry if I made you think a little more deeply.
I do apologize wholeheartedly........