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Thread #154892   Message #3638555
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish 1
03-Jul-14 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rolf Harris Found Guilty of 12 Offences
Subject: RE: BS: Rolf Harris Found Guilty of 12 Offences
'sex sway' should have been 'sex swap' of course...

No, I understand a GREAT deal about Transgender and Transvestite situations, thanks...more than you will ever know, as I knew someone who was Transvestite and have several Transvestite/Transgender folks on my page...I was also reading the autobiography of April Ashley when I was 14 years old....


No, Shimmy, you miss my point...I will ALWAYS write in the way which is totally natural to me. I have been told how to write, how much, how little, the content, the grammar, been ridiculed, abused, etc..etc....but NOTHING will ever stop me writing as I write. I speak this way too, passionate about what I believe in..and I know I can sway people around too. I am welcomed on BBC Radio Devon phone-ins all the time..and was told by Nicky Campbell, who was hosting a BBC Radio 5 phone in on fracking, a while back now, that they'd never had so many calls about my phone call, I cried in the middle of it, because I knew what was to come, what we are doing to this amazingly beautiful planet we are so blessed to live upon...Nicky came back to me for a second call that morning...and during that time on his show, I got in more information than many on the horrors which are staring us directly in the face, environmentally, because I've come to know about many different ecocidal pieces of insanity now happening around our planet.....

But please, feel free to keep knocking me, if you so wish, although, quite WHY you even bother to read my posts, which seen to upset you so much, I've no idea....

Yes, Eliza, once, we just used to hug and touch each other in a normal, HUMAN, way, but now that's all changed...Much of it is also because of people who hate being touched at all, who are driving through rules and regulations which are insane. Also, you now have so many mothers who have no choice but to give their children over to others to raise, all day long, so they can keep a roof over their heads, one salary no longer being able to do this. Those mothers are torn apart, desperately fearful their children are going to be abused and so, draconian rules are brought in....Those who lose out are the children, who are now all but devoid of human touch from others...

When, as a Mum, I helped out at our village playgroup, if any child was crying/hurting, we'd simply pick them up and treat them as our own, hugging them, kissing them better etc, no thought at all of HOW we should do this, just a totally natural reaction. Now, my friend, who works in a 'pre-school learning alliance' as they so chillingly called in many instances these days, has to have two staff to accompany any child the toilet, in case one of those staff is a paedophile... ????

Also, when I was in Neasden Eye Hospital for well over a month, aged 19, I was put in the children's ward, (only 6 beds, very small hospital, now gone, I believe)...and every evening, the children who were able to get out of their beds (some had to lie very still and flat on their backs) clambered into my bed for our evening story and I'd sit on the bed cuddling them all in as best I could...

Today, I would be arrested for doing that.

When I lost the first of the two little souls I lost, the chief radiologist, who'd been called in, due to the nature of what was happening to me, hugged me SO tightly and for SO long, after he'd given me the news that my baby had died. He knew what lay ahead, for many years, too. Had he NOT shown me that deep care and compassion, coming on to the ward the next day to go through everything with me again, making sure I understood in minute detail, I really don't think I'd have got through what was to come. I went back, time and again, to the love that man showed me at a time I needed it so badly.   It was nothing more than Human to Human contact in a moment of desperate need.

Today, he would lose his job, be sued by the woman, and probably end up in prison......

What a truly fucked up world we have created........ :0(

And Al, whilst we are playing Cowboys and Indians, a la Hollywood's version, the Native Americans were being abused, ridiculed and hugely disrespected, because we had all been so indoctrinated against them. Today, they are still being treated that way by many... "Just get over it!" being the common cry they hear most often, whilst celebrities dress in their headdresses 'for a bit of fun' and continue to 'play at being Indian'....

Black Americans have had a lot more respect being given to them, a lot earlier, than the Native Americans have, albeit they still have to endure shocking racism at times, but more people ARE shocked when those instances happen. Yet, when the Native Americans face the same kind of racial hatred, or abuse, most folks look away, snigger, or yell 'Get over it!'