The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74786   Message #3640124
Posted By: GUEST,John.Goodluck
08-Jul-14 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: 2016 Obit: Don Shepherd
Subject: RE: Don Shepherd - is he still around
Hi Don, Just found this link & glad that you are still around & kicking, I thought that the oldies like you & me were finished for good but have a look on & you will see that you can't keep a folkie from the past quiet. In fact I get married on August 9th to my recording partner Jo. We seem to play at all the mind,body,spirit festivals that have sprung up over the years & live a very happy, quiet life at Martlesham. I still have some great memories of days spent recording those super "Don Shepherd" albums. Brightest Blessings to you both from John Goodluck.