The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154961   Message #3640517
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
09-Jul-14 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: This is really poor
Subject: RE: This is really poor
You are one of the people who has consistently attacked me over years, Dave (the gnome), to the point where you were actually forbidden to even mention my name at one point.

Not true. I was asked not to post replies to your posts in the hope that it may help cut down your barrage. Feel free to provide evidence if you think I am wrong. Otherwise it is just the say so of an unreliable witness :-) Unlike you, I have never been banned from any internet forum.

The fact, Dave, that you also copy my posts, to use them against me at a later date is more than somewhat disturbing.

I don't. I just have an attention span slightly better than a goldfish and can remember things that most people said a few days ago. I am also quite capable of finding them again without keeping a copy anywhere. You, or anyone else, are more than welcome to search my computers for anything I have copied. I can quite assure you that none of it includes your inane ramblings.

Anyhow, I will take the advice that I received before. I will try my best not to encourage you but, as I said earlier, I am only human.