The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154961   Message #3641910
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Jul-14 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: This is really poor
Subject: RE: This is really poor
Well bugger me sideways with a bent banana. I was a very active poster here at the time of all that shenanigans yet I didn't have a bloody clue about any of it. Not a bloody clue. Not the faintest inkling. I wonder why. No, actually, I don't wonder why. It's because I don't personally click on threads that might (a) bore me, (b) not address issues in which I have any interest, (c) upset me, (d) be populated by some tiresome pillock or pillocks who might get my goat (game not worth candle, sort of thing). A coupla things. Yes I feel sorry for moderators who have to read everything (though the moderators here actually do very little indeed anyway by way of effective moderating compared to every other discussion forum I've been involved with), and second, in spite of all the dark talk from SRS and the stuff on that link, I still haven't a bloody clue about what's supposed to have happened. I'm not a mind-reader. "Something horrible's happened and you'd better bloody believe it but I'm going to keep you in the dark so you'd better shut your face". Nice work, SRS and co. But hardly the way to get people onside. Do what you have to do. Shut down the BS section. Shut down the whole bloody site. Do what you like, because you can. No-one will die. There is no law that says you have to keep this going or that you have to stay here. Go for the sunlit uplands. You have the choice. Abandon ship. Believe me, you'll get over it within hours.