The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154961   Message #3642064
14-Jul-14 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: This is really poor
Subject: RE: This is really poor
Bill, if you are not already a mod, you should be.
Or maybe even better still - head of training and supervision for mudcat mods.


30 odd years ago, one of my favourite elements of my degree,
was part of the 'Ethics' course concerning concepts of 'moral education' and 'moral maturity'.

There were 2 key books that were a real inspiration.
now rotting away mildewed in a storage box somewhere....

But even after a lifetime of bitter disapointment, futile battles, day to day social pettyness & treachery,
failing eyesight and erroding memory;
that basic grounding is still deep down positively underpinning my core values, personality, and interactions with other people..

At whatever level I might be in any hierarchy of 'authority'.....